Sobre mim
Lucy Bella Ts
🚫🦠Clean 💉Tested & Taking 💊 “PREP”
CONTACT ME: DIAL 📲 9414445169 (((GIVE A 🕰 E.T.A !))
🛬⏳🛫Visiting for a Limited Time
I am Highly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviewed & as well I am a Grooby 👙 Model I have had my same📱 # for Yrs please feel free to 💻 Google for 🧾Reviews
I do not receive children under 21 years
I am NOT a POLICE officer or in any law enforcement agency
❗️Money exchanged for legal personal *** for adults is simply for time and company. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of personal choice and personal preference between two or more consenting adults, ❗️ Donations are simply for time and company. ❗️ By contacting me, you agree to these terms and agree that you are not part of any law enforcement agency that uses this ad to catch or arrest you. ❗️ This is a contract that you accept contacting me
🚫🦠Clean 💉Tested & Taking 💊 “PREP”
CONTACT ME: DIAL 📲 9414445169 (((GIVE A 🕰 E.T.A !))
🛬⏳🛫Visiting for a Limited Time
I am Highly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviewed & as well I am a Grooby 👙 Model I have had my same📱 # for Yrs please feel free to 💻 Google for 🧾Reviews
I do not receive children under 21 years
I am NOT a POLICE officer or in any law enforcement agency
❗️Money exchanged for legal personal *** for adults is simply for time and company. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of personal choice and personal preference between two or more consenting adults, ❗️ Donations are simply for time and company. ❗️ By contacting me, you agree to these terms and agree that you are not part of any law enforcement agency that uses this ad to catch or arrest you. ❗️ This is a contract that you accept contacting me