Isabeltalakova - Mulher Trans Escort in Irvine, CA

Irvine, CA
último em: 21 Feb, 07:53
minha localização
Pagina inicial Irvine, CA
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minhas estatisticas
Eu sou Mulher Trans
Idade 25
Etnia Latino
Corpo Atlético
Posição Versátil / Passivo
Altura 5'8" - 170 cm
Peso 150lbs - 68 kg
Cabelo Preto
Cor dos olhos Verde
Peitos Grande
Tamanho do Pênis 9 In - 22cm
Bunda Redondo/ bundão
Disponível para Homens
Circumcised No
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Smoking No
Thickness Very thick
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
Minha Casa 500
Tua casa 1000
Toda a Noite 3000
Travesti em Irvine, CA
Este site proíbe qualquer oferta ou solicitação de prostituição. A informação fornecida é apenas para fins de entretenimento, e qualquer atividade que ocorra fora deste site é além do nosso controle e destina-se a ser estritamente entre adultos que consentem.
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Sobre mim

Beautiful classy trans woman in town

Hello! My name is Isabel, I am 25 years old. What you will have from me is a tender, delicious, hygienic and educated girl, I love solvent men with good taste, I am willing to have a delicious time. I am a luxury doll, skin soft, beautiful face and body like that of a Greek Goddess (generous bust, small waist, marked abdomen, large and round buttocks. I will receive you freshly bathed, clean, with my hair always groomed, presentable and smelling delicious. But the best of The whole thing is that you will be treated by a person with a lot of education.

Blog do Isabeltalakova

  • Isabeltalakova

    Hi my loves ❤️❤️❤️

    Postado por Isabeltalakova

    Hello! My name is Isabel, I am 25 years old. What you will have from me is a tender, delicious, hygienic and educated girl, I love solvent men with good taste, I am willing to have a delicious time. I am a luxury doll, skin soft, beautiful face and body like that of a Greek Goddess (generous bust, small waist, marked abdomen, large and round buttocks. I will receive you freshly bathed, clean, with my hair always groomed, presentable and smelling delicious. But the best of The whole thing is that you will be treated by a person with a lot of education.

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