AbbyRose - Mulher Trans Escort in Portland, OR

Portland, OR
último em: 01 May, 2021
minha localização
Pagina inicial Portland, OR
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minhas estatisticas
Eu sou Mulher Trans
Idade 27
Etnia Caucasiano
Corpo Slim
Posição Passivo
Altura 6'0" - 180 cm
Peso 140lbs - 63 kg
Cabelo Loiro
Cor dos olhos Verde
Peitos Pequeno
Tamanho do Pênis 9 In - 22cm
Bunda Redondo/ bundão
Disponível para Todos
Health Status
Minha Casa 400
Tua casa 400
Toda a Noite 1500
Travesti em Portland, OR
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Sobre mim

Smart, Sweet & Seductive

"Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet"
-Kathy Bates

Hello boys! My name is Abigail Anna Rose, but you can call me Abby Rose. To the rest of the world I'm just an innocent girl next door who loves fine art, fashion and long conversations. But behind my coy smile and cutting wit I have an insatiable desire to misbehave and a fully-functioning, 9 inch secret hidden behind my panties. Come find out what it is and let us sate our desires together!

If you're looking for a sharp, seductive and submissive beauty, yearning to satisfy all of your deepest and dirtiest desires drop me a line 😘

Hope to talk to you soon!

~ ABBY🌹𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮 ~

P.S. Please read my blog post about my COVID precautions before contacting.
Social Connections

Blog do AbbyRose

  • AbbyRose

    COVID Precautions

    Postado por AbbyRose

    The health and safety of myself and YOU are my highest priority. I get tested regularly & social distance outside of work. All my bedding & affected surfaces are cleaned after each meeting. If/when we meet please: arrive wearing a mask, let me temp check you & wash your hands before we begin I am not currently meeting w clients who: -Have traveled international in the last 30 days -Are immuno compromised -Are experiencing ANY flu like symptoms -Dont social distance -Dont take this pandemic seriously -Refuse to follow ANY one of my guidelines

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What have you learned from your mistakes in life?

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If you get to choose again, would you still choose this job?

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