Tskarencummings - Transexual Escort in Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas, NV
último em: 19 Feb, 18:30
minha localização
Pagina inicial Las Vegas, NV
GPS Las Vegas, NV
Distância N/A
map me
minhas estatisticas
Eu sou Transexual
Idade 30
Etnia Caucasiano
Corpo Atlético
Posição Versátil
Altura 5'8" - 170 cm
Peso 150lbs - 68 kg
Cabelo Castanho
Cor dos olhos Azul
Peitos Extra Large
Tamanho do Pênis 10 In - 25cm
Bunda Large
Disponível para Homens
Health Status
Minha Casa 500
Tua casa 500
Toda a Noite 2500
Travesti em Las Vegas, NV
Este site proíbe qualquer oferta ou solicitação de prostituição. A informação fornecida é apenas para fins de entretenimento, e qualquer atividade que ocorra fora deste site é além do nosso controle e destina-se a ser estritamente entre adultos que consentem.

Blog do tskarencummings

  • tskarencummings

    Featured On Onlyfans

    Postado por tskarencummings

    username: tskarencummings

    Come check out my world let's have some fun together this holiday season get a sneak preview of what it's like to have a trans girlfriend or wife who's hung imagine waking up to that everyday what would you do with it. Join today holiday special for new subscribers I can't wait to show you all of me

  • tskarencummings


    Postado por tskarencummings

    Had a wonderful time in Nashville and enjoy traveling I'm available to travel anywhere in the world and US cities looking forward to traveling to meet you

  • tskarencummings

    J'adore Paris!

    Postado por tskarencummings

    Enjoying the romantic City of Paris, the beautiful sights, the beautiful food, and the beautiful Parisienne men! contact me lets have a sensual romantic encounter while I'm here for the first time...oui, oui!

  • tskarencummings

    Greetings! To all my Fans!

    Postado por tskarencummings

    Welcome to all my Friends, Fans, loyal clients and those yet to be... In today's climate its important that you know all *** I provide are 100% totally discrete, private and confidential. I am known to be professional and discrete with all my regular and celebrity/sports figure clientele.

    I am spreading my wings and getting around online, there are several wonderful sites to find me on. I recently in the past year decided to Webcam as a way to authenticate and let you get to know me, before you call. I have released some free footage of my shows, I hope you have enjoyed them. I am google videos ts karen cummings!

    I look forward to meeting you all, and having loads of fun! XOXO

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