Sofiacummings - Transexual Escort in Peoria, IL

Peoria, IL
último em: 17 Feb, 21:06
minha localização
Pagina inicial Peoria, IL
GPS Peoria, IL
Distância N/A
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minhas estatisticas
Eu sou Transexual
Idade 29
Etnia Misturado
Corpo Slim
Posição Versátil / Ativo
Altura 5'9" - 174 cm
Peso 135lbs - 61 kg
Cabelo Loiro
Cor dos olhos Castanho
Peitos Médio
Tamanho do Pênis 9 In - 22cm
Bunda Redondo/ bundão
Disponível para Todos
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
Travesti em Peoria, IL
Este site proíbe qualquer oferta ou solicitação de prostituição. A informação fornecida é apenas para fins de entretenimento, e qualquer atividade que ocorra fora deste site é além do nosso controle e destina-se a ser estritamente entre adultos que consentem.

Blog do Sofiacummings

  • Sofiacummings

    Tips for beginners

    Postado por Sofiacummings

    -Always shower b4 & after, mouthwash too (no brushing teeth so no bloody gums)
    -if you want to bottom don't eat anything all day or just Douche before coming
    -I always recommend peeing after so you can flush everything out
    -Always get tested & get on prep especially if you're out having unprotected sex w/ strangers
    -i love black men but I can only see y'all if we meet for dinner or drinks first
    -bring extra if you want me to finish
    -if you go to the wrong house I'm canceling and blocking you
    -Video call me I'm real
    -if you want to top let me know ahead of time so I can properly Douche
    -no Druggies or drunks
    -if you want me to be ready on time, please let me know ahead of time

  • Sofiacummings

    No rushing

    Postado por Sofiacummings

    Most guys that say they're coming half the time don't show up, so usually I do not get ready until the person is in my driveway, (unless it’s a regular or deposit made) if you are expecting a girl to bottom it's going to take her at least 10 -15 minutes to douche and clean up properly unless you want a mud party so let me know ahead of time <3 Sofia

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